In Brussels, much has been improved in recent years in the field of lobby transparency. The transparency rules are much more effective than in Germany or other member states. In the European Parliament, members of parliament have to state which lobbyists they have met with while negotiating a law. Commissioners and their immediate staff are also obliged to publish their lobby meetings. They are also only allowed to meet registered lobbyists.
35,000 lobbyists are attempting to influence EU laws. Commissioners switch position into the private sector. MPs work as lobbyists on a part-time basis. From my time at Transparency International I know that the EU is still better than the member states in many respects. However, there is also a need for far more transparency in the EU.

The rules for lobbyists are much stricter in the EU than in Germany
Lobbyists are registered in Brussels
Commissioner candidates were rejected by the European Parliament due to conflicts of interest
Members of Parliament who have been sanctioned for violations of the Code of Conduct