Daniel Freund – Short biography

I have been a Member of the European Parliament for the Greens since 2019. My main issues are transparency, democracy, the fight against corruption and the future of the EU. I am a member of the Constitutional and Budgetary Control Committee. I lead the Greens’ work on the conference on the future of the EU, am a negotiator on the independent ethics authority and chair the cross-party working group against corruption.

Ever since I can think politically, I have been fighting for more transparency, more democracy and more citizen participation in the European Union.


Before I was elected to the European Parliament, I led the European work of Transparency International for five years. I gained further experience at the German Foreign Office, the EU Delegation in Hong Kong, the consulting firm Deloitte and the French civil service academy ENA.

I studied politics, economics and law in Leipzig, Paris and Washington. I have a Master’s degree in “Affaires Publiques” from Sciences Po Paris.
Together with fellow students, I founded a project for a European daily newspaper – the European Daily – with which we were nominated for the Charlemagne Youth Prize.

I am married to an Italian woman, have a three-year-old son and live in Brussels and Aachen.

Christian Beck

Head of Office, Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Tel. +32 228 37449

Pina Witt

Budgetary Control Committee (CONT), Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

Tel. +32 228 38449

Thomas Kieschnick

Press and public relations

Tel. +49 176 202 480 84

Franziska Telschow

Administrative Head of Office

Henning Nießen

Aachen Office

Tel. +49 172 154 1108

Benjamin Dick

Aachen Office