Daniel Freund

12. June 2024 Democracy

Re-elected! The fight against corruption and for European democracy continues

I will continue to be a member of the European Parliament for the Greens for the next five years. I would like to sincerely thank you for your support over the past weeks, months, and years. A big thank you also to all of you who have financially supported my campaign.

We Greens did not achieve what we aimed for in these elections. Our group will be smaller, and we will have to redefine our role—whether as part of a majority coalition or as the opposition. Climate protection and the defense of democracy and the rule of law will remain absolute priorities for us—and for me.

In the past weeks, I have met many of you during the campaign. Your commitment to Europe’s democracy, to climate protection, and to peaceful coexistence has greatly impressed me. I draw strength from your courage and dedication for the coming years, even though we are currently facing strong headwinds.

In the coming days, crucial decisions for Europe will be made. Shall we continue to fight for ambitious climate protection, or will Ursula von der Leyen trade away the Green Deal for an alliance with the far-right? Will we defend Europe’s values, or are we going to bow down to Putin’s friends like Viktor Orban? My promise to you remains: I will be persistent. And I will keep you informed.

I’m glad if you continue to read, share, and comment on my newsletter. I will maintain the pace—the topics may vary, but my goals remain the same: Against corrupt autocrats – For Europe’s democracy.