Daniel Freund

18. July 2024 Democracy

Why I voted for Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula von der Leyen will remain President of the European Commission for another five years. She received a majority of 401 votes in the European Parliament today – 40 more than needed. She also got my vote today. There were actually many reasons not to support her: there has been no formal coalition process in recent weeks. There is no joint political programme of the four large pro-European groups, only political guidelines for which we were consulted. That is not enough for a genuine majority coalition.

Good reasons against von der Leyen

I have had my differences with von der Leyen over the past five years – especially when it came to the defence of the rule of law. The Commission President was too soft on Viktor Orban – but also towards the PiS government in Poland at the time. I had enormous doubts as to whether she was really the right person for the job. This was one of the reasons why I organised a majority in the European Parliament to sue her for inaction. I also felt that her behaviour towards the European Parliament was often disrespectful.

Green Deal and a clear stance against Orban

And yet she is getting my vote today, partly because she found the right words in her speech and her programme. She has clearly and unambiguously opposed Viktor Orban’s destructive behaviour – most recently even announcing that she would boycott his Council presidency. She has made it clear that she wants to use all the instruments at her disposal to protect democracy and the rule of law. And she has made a clear commitment to the Green Deal. Contrary to our fears, the European fight against the climate catastrophe is not being watered down, but rather improved. This is another success that we Greens have been able to achieve in recent days.

We are taking responsibility

What has become clear in recent days is that we Greens have become part of the governing majority in Brussels for the first time ever. Despite a shift to the right in the European elections, right-wing parties are not gaining more influence – we Greens are. This is an enormous opportunity that we would have missed today by saying no to von der Leyen. In my eyes, that would have been irresponsible. The election of the Commission President is not taking place in a global political vacuum. Von der Leyen being rejected today would have been a gift for Orban and Putin.

I will remain persistent

The democratic control of the EU Commission does not end with the vote in favour of von der Leyen today. In the coming weeks, EU Commissioners will be nominated and elected. A work programme will be adopted. The European Parliament remains a key player. And I can promise you that I will continue to be a critical voice. Von der Leyen must know that it will become uncomfortable for her if she does not protect the rule of law. That I will demand that this Commission fights corruption. And enforce clean and transparent politics.

The democratic control of the EU Commission does not end with the vote in favour of von der Leyen today.


Climate catastrophe, companies that pay no taxes, the impact of digitalisation - no single country can solve these problems alone. For this we need a strong European Union that is capable of taking action. For the Greens/European Free Alliance, I am responsible for leading the work on the conference on the future of the EU.